Monday, February 17, 2014

Relaxation in T'ai Chi, by Bath T'ai Chi Ch'uan

(image credit)
'Sung' is often translated as 'relax', however as Louis Swaim observes etymologically the term 'Sung' is based on a character for 'long hair that hangs down' - that is, hair that is loosened and expanded, not 'drawn up'. This 'loose' and 'expanded' feeling is what is meant by relaxed in the context of T'ai Chi Ch'uan.
By Bath T'ai Chi Ch'uan.


Michael Garofalo culled information, quotes and references on relaxation - Relaxed - and I am grateful for his effort. Over several days in July 2011, I meditated over each one of these quotes and made notes in my T'ai Chi journal:

Not just to be really, really, but truly to be completely and absolutely shoong. I would like to imagine that in the future, I can be completely impervious to some people's craziness and shenanigans, by being absolutely shoong.

Going forward I will post regularly on relaxation, with more quotes and notes.

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