Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Where I Meditate (2) Standing in Line

I often meditate standing in line...
and sometimes close my eyes for a few moments.  I also practice my T'ai Chi rooting, centering and relaxation.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Where I Meditate (1) Driving my Car

I sit comfortably, center myself in the seat, lift my head...
steer with one hand, place the other hand calmly on my lap, slow and deepen my breathing.  Of course I keep my eyes open.  But at a stoplight, I sometimes close my eyes for a moment or two, so I reach a deeper state of meditation.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Things not to do to Build Confidence

15 Things Highly Confident People Don't Do
In regards to No. 7:  

They don’t let lack of resources stop them. As a startup entrepreneur, I've learned that not having much of any resources has made me really resourceful. My confidence comes from something very real: I've been able to move forward, and keep going, with very little on hand.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Posture and Philosophy of Confidence

Skill takes time to build. Talent takes time to nurture. So if you want to perform better right now, there's only one way: Feel more confident. Everyone's been there. We don't need research to confirm the more confident we feel the better we perform.
Reference: Simple Tricks to Immediately Boost Your Confidence.

Make a conscious effort to sit up straight or stand up tall. To nix negative thoughts, have a positive self-affirming statement ready and say it even if it's just quietly to yourself.

T'ai Chi posture is one of relaxed, internalized but unmistakable confidence.  We stand straight, but not locked or rigid.  We imagine that a string is holding up our head at the topmost point, and at the same time we are rooting ourselves to the ground and tucking our behind to stretch and straighten our lower back.

T'ai Chi is also about following the Tao of Nature, and that way is naturally centering and calming and, yes, positive.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Carol McPhee Elaborates on Chi Cleansing

To clear out energy blockages, P.M. T'ai Chi with expert CJ McPhee helps you realign the flow of chi through a series of forms. Starting with opening the major energy gateway to allow chi to circulate. Then
 aligning the spine to encourage free flow of energy to revitalize your body. Ending with cleansing the body of stagnant chi and restoring it with pure chi
More than 30 years ago, my T'ai Chi instructor and classmates and I traveled from Chicago to Snowmass, CO for two weeks of T'ai Chi training that would last us a lifetime.

In one session, Marshall Ho'o taught an exercise for gathering up negative chi within us, releasing it and letting the Universal work its positive force, then taking in that fresh energy back within us.

Carol McPhee does a wonderful elaboration of this simple exercise.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Carol McPhee Draws Lyrically on the Moon

To clear out energy blockages, P.M. T'ai Chi with expert CJ McPhee helps you realign the flow of chi through a series of forms. Starting with opening the major energy gateway to allow chi to circulate. Then
 aligning the spine to encourage free flow of energy to revitalize your body. Ending with cleansing the body of stagnant chi and restoring it with pure chi
In the early days we drew on a mundane object - a beach ball - to assume an essential posture in T'ai Chi - Holding the Ball.  By drawing on the moon, Carol McPhee not only lends a more lyrical image, but also a more spiritual feel to the exercise.