Monday, August 19, 2013

Meditation Anywhere You May Be

(image credit)
Sitting in Full Lotus position is not necessary for meditation. You can sit, lay down or even kneel as shown in this picture. The idea is to be comfortable, with your back straight and in a position that does not cause you pain. Focusing on your breath and having some quiet time to yourself is the main objective!
Reference:  Meditation Techniques.

This is well-said.  Personally I am not comfortable sitting on the floor, even when I was younger and was more limber.  Instead, I prefer to sit on a chair, when I meditate.

In time, after years of practice, you can meditate anywhere you may be and whatever you may be doing:  walking in the park, attending a meeting, or even driving a car.  Of course you keep your eyes open in this case (smile).  But keep your back straight, raise your head, and quietly take a deep breath or two.

That calmness of spirit and alertness of mind, borne from repeated meditation sessions, are things you can apply and carry into your day to day life.

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